This certification is for developers specializing in the application of JavaServer Pages and servlet technologies used to present Web services and dynamic Web content.
To achieve this certification, candidates must successfully complete one exam. Prior to attempting certification, candidates must be certified as a Sun Certified Programmer (SCJP), any edition. The SCWCD 5 is termed as CX-310-083

The four topics that are covered in the SCWCD exam are - 
  1. Servlets version 2.4
  2. JSP version 2.0
  3. JSTL version 1.1
  4. Design Patterns
Sun's SCWCD page: The official SCWCD page.

A very good collection of resources is the Java Ranch page.
Java Ranch SCWCD page:

For complete material and dumps (hosted on public domain by some unknown) click here

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