Official Sun’s website for SCJP exams. For all information you may need on the exam be it the objectives, certification details or sample questions, right from the horse's mouth.

The Sun Java Tutorial - Available on the house. Excellent to study in spare time or if you are anticipating a longer preparation time. - covers all the exam objectives for CX-310-055 (Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 5.0). : includes notes about many topics that are in SCJP 1.5 Totally exam oriented tutorial. - Appetizer for the Java Certification Exam. Contains tutorial (too succinct and elementary), mock exams, links and more. of us find the language of the site Greek. But the exam applet is fabulous. Keep on visiting the site all through your preparation.

'Richard Baldwin tests' on language fundamentals etc at He is known for his exhaustive java tutorials.

Jyothi Krishnan's Objective wise tutorials (.pdf files also available)

Sun Java Certification Documents by Koray Guclu. Includes downloadable zip files on Inner classes and a very useful one on Interview tips (on Java/EJB) and Veena's Notes.

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