Here are some of the best Mock Exams Available:
Marcus Green's Mock Exam 1
Marcus Green has composed 3 Mock exams in .html format. The exams are often in Javaranch's Programmer Certification Forum. Marcus frequents such conversations and respects users' comments, and if there is any ambiguity felt by many people , he changes the wording of those questions promptly. So the mock exams are refined by now and considered to be very good and their level of difficulty is close to the real exam. It is good if we get atleast 90 to 95% in all the 3 exams to get a high score in Sun's SCJP2 Exam. Many people said the first time when we take Marcus's sample test, the % we get is close to the % we get from the real Exam. So save them for the last 3 weeks of your real exam and see your % on them.
Sun's SCJP2 Site
Sun offers a few example SCJP2 test questions from their certification site. Don't miss them.
John Hunt's Mock Exam
This is considered to be a standard and easy sample question paper with questions covering all test objectives.
Bill Brogden's Exam Simulation Applet
Bill Brogden is the author of the well known book, Java 2 Exam Cram. This is his official web site where he has an Exam Simulation Applet. The questions are considered to be good.
Bill Brogden's Hardest Questions
As the name implies, these sample questions are hard - save it for the last week.
This Java application is one of the best available. The author provides explanations for all of the questions and has made the source code available for downloading. Follow the link to the left or download it here.
Mughal & Rasmussen's Mock Exam Engine
The questions are HARDER than the real SCJP2 Exam from Sun. So if you take this test and get low scores, don't be upset. Their 'Java Certification Book' is often praised by not just programmers studying for the SCJP2, but Java programmers in general.
JavaCaps is offering two good looking mock exams.
The questions look good. Definitely worth taking at least once.'s Mock Exam
They recently released a 100-question free mock exam for the SCJP (and also one for the SCEA) certification.
JavaBlackBelt Basic Exam
JavaBlackBelt has a Java SE Basic exam which is easier than the SCJP (nice to prepare). You can comment/edit any question from the DB and add your own questions.